I had grand plans of decorating my Christmas tree with homemade ornaments this year but, as so frequently happens, time got away from me and I found myself breaking out the red and green bulbs and glass ornaments I've collected over the years. Then Jeanne introduced her DIY ornaments on the Jimmy Beans Wool blog, which turned out extremely cute, and I was left wondering how the festive red of Stitch Red could be a part of the holiday cheer. It hit me (while watching Downton Abbey as that has sucked me in, too - have you seen the Christmas at Downton color?) that the Mini Red dress would be a wonderful way to deck the halls!

Available in Classic Elite Alpaca Sox, one mini red dress knits up in an hour or two! The kit comes with one mini skein (enough for one dress), a pin (in case you'd like to don yours on your favorite winter coat), and a small amount of white yarn. To make more than one mini red dress we recommend buying one hank of CEY Alpaca Sox in Stitch Red to make nine mini dresses (roughly). To mix it up, you could even grab a hank of Watercress for red and green dresses!
You'll need US 2 DPNs, stitch markers, a stitch holder (I would recommend a safety pin), and a copy of Knit Red for the pattern.
Happy knitting!
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